Sunday, January 25, 2009

It's A Baby!!!!

Well I guess I should officially let everyone know that I am pregnant. I am 3 months along and everything looks to be going okay. Jarom and I are very excited. According to Jarom if it's a boy he will be named Plaxico, and if it's a girl she will be named Jerusha.

Jarom is doing good in school but is getting stressed out with the amount of sudying that he is having to put in. Right now his big class is Anatomy and he is spending a lot of time looking at cadavers. Once he finishes the semester he gets to go to a memorial for the cadaver he is studying. He is super excited because he gets to meet the family and talk with them about his experience. Is it just me or does that sound just a bit AWKWARD?

I am enjoying my job and have gotten used to the daily grind, but am definitely looking forward to being a stay at home mom. This is something I have told Jarom from the beginning of our marriage. The above picture was taken on Thanksgiving, and the below pictures are of our vacation to visit family in California and Utah over the holidays.


Aubrey said...

Congrats to you both! Can't wait to see little JUB. :)

The Johnson's said...

Congrats again!

kris said...

Congratulations you guys! I am really excited for you! Kristen, you are going to be a great mom! (You'll be a good dad too Jarom) :)

Jacklyn said...

Congrats you guys! you know Kristen the way you write you sound a bit like guys are just so close I love it! haaha

Binny said...

Congrats to you guys! I think you will be having a Plaxico, but I am really bad at this stuff so it is probably a girl. That would be cool, because then my girls would actually have a girl cousin close to their age. You will love being a stay at home mom, it is the best.

Renae and Jared said...

I am so excited that you are going to have a baby! I really would like to come out before or after you have the baby, you will just need to let me know what would be best.

The Reynolds Family said...

So excited for you guys! Glad to hear everything is still going well! I totally agree that the whole memorial thing sounds super awkward!

mer and mel said...

Kristen- that is so exciting!! Congrats :) parenthood is the best. My blog is private, but I would love to add you as a reader, so email your address!
melanie nichols shaw

ps- you are your hubby make a cute couple!